Contact It's SO You

Contact It's So You

Phone Number:

(440) 833-4050

Hours of Operation:

New Hours Effective August 25, 2021

Mon - Fri 10-6pm
Wed - 10-7pm
Sat 10-4pm
Sun Closed

Our top priority is to keep our staff and customers safe. For that reason the following measures have been put into place.

-Plexiglass has been installed at each of our counters for your safety and ours.
-All staff and shoppers will be practicing social distancing
-Employees will be wearing masks on the sales floor if not behind plexiglass shields.
-Customers will be encouraged to wear masks as well.
-We will be sanitizing all frequent touch points through out the day and deep cleaning every morning including spray sanitizing all clothing racks.
-Dressing rooms and rest rooms will be open and will be cleaned after every use.
- All clothing tried on will be sanitized before being put back on the sales floor.
- We ask that if you have had a fever within the past 14 days or show symptoms consistent with COVID-19 that you shop our online store ( instead of shopping in person.

Please visit Bringing In Items for temporary changes to consigning.


We are located in the Pine Bridge Plaza near Heinen's.

34601 Ridge Road
Willoughby, OH 44094